如果根是毒,枝葉也是毒;如果根是藥,枝葉也是藥 || Teaching on Poison and Medicine

無等北頂法王 怙主果碩仁波切法語









More Teachings

勝觀(毗缽舍那)講授 格西洛桑曲燈 || Geshe Lobsang Choden Vipassana Teaching
菩提道次第講授 格西丹增卻佩 || Lamrim Teaching with Geshe Tenzin Chophell
格魯神變祈願大法會開示 2021 於尼泊爾 圓滿法洲寺 || Monlam Chenmo Teaching, 2021 Nepal
2023新春祝福與開示 || 2023 Lunar New Year Teaching and Blessing
供曼陀羅法開示 初步測試版 || Teaching on Mandala Offering
修心七義開示 初步測試版 || Teaching on Seven Point Mind Training
顯密雙修及受持其戒律 初步測試版 || Teaching on Practice and Vows of Sutrayana and Vajrayana
供曼陀羅法暨三主要道開示 初步測試版 || Teaching on Mandala Offering and three principle aspects of the path
Jenang Initiation of Je Tsong Khapa Nepal 2022-03-22 || 三種姓合一宗喀巴大師隨許灌頂 2022-03-22
六臂瑪哈嘎拉隨許灌頂開示 2021-10-24 || Mahakala Jenang Empowerment Teaching 2021-10-24
Teaching on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path 2021-10-24 || 聖道三要開示
怙主果碩仁波切74壽誕 || Kyabje Gosok Rinpoche 74th Birthday Celebration
度母四曼達暨藥師八佛超渡法會開示 2021-03-21 於菩提法洲寺 || Tara Four Mandala and 8 Medicine Buddha Puja Teaching, 2021 at Yunlin Jangchub Choeling
度母四曼扎法會開示 2020-12-20 於台北佛堂 || Tara Four Mandala Offerings Puja Teaching, 2020 Taipei
四百供法會開示 菩提法洲寺 2020 || Gyabshi (400 Offerings) Puja Teaching 2020
怙主果碩仁波切 – 菩提法洲寺 大威德金剛火供法會開示 || Gosok Rinpoche Yamantaka Fire Puja Teaching 2020-08-16
Gosok Rinpoche Teaching on 73rd Birthday for Toronto || 怙主果碩仁波切73華誕多倫多開示
怙主果碩仁波切73華誕法會開示 || Gosok Rinpoche Teaching on 73rd Birthday
7 point mind training || 修心七義教授
金剛薩埵百字明修誦法開示 || Teaching on 100 Syllable Vajrasattva Mantra Practice
修心八頌教授 || Teaching on Eight Verses of Mind Training
真修行人每天必定會冥想死亡 || Teaching on Meditation on Death
格魯大威德火供 || Yamantaka Fire Puja Teaching
共修開示 || Teaching on Group Practice
藏傳佛教修行次第 || Stages of Tibetan Buddhist Practice
空性見教授——應成自續兩派中觀見簡介 || Teaching on Emptiness: Introduction to Middle Way
怙主堪千果碩仁波切2016年中秋節開示 || Mid Autumn Festival Teaching
怙主堪千果碩仁波切2015年中秋節開示 || Mid Autumn Festival Teaching
佛法實修之道(二)——堪千果碩仁波切六秩晉六壽誕慶祝法會 || Path of Buddhist Practice 2
堪千果碩仁波切於唐卡暨沙壇城展對工作人員的開示 || Teaching on Thangka and Sand Mandala
佛法實修之道(一) ——4月7日大威德金剛火供法會開示 || Path of Buddhist Practice 1
無量壽佛隨許灌頂法會開示 || Amitayus Empowerment Teaching
《甘丹聖教增廣願文》講解 || Teaching on Aspiration Prayer for the Flourishing of Je Tsongkhapa’s Teachings
不動佛隨許灌頂開示 || Akshobhya Empowerment Teaching
大悲千手千眼觀世音菩薩大灌頂開示 || Thousand Arm Chenrezig Empowerment Teaching
白瑪哈嘎拉隨許灌頂開示 || White Mahakala Empowerment Teaching
尊勝佛母隨許灌頂法會開示 || Usnisavijaya Empowerment Teaching
仁波切六秩晉五華誕祝壽法會對多倫多弟子開示 || 2011 Toronto Teaching
曼陀羅表義——大威德金剛壇城所表義解 || Teaching on the Meaning of Yamantaka Mandala
白度母如意輪火供法會開示 || White Tara Wish Fulfilling Wheel Fire Puja Teaching
聲聞乘道次第概述 || Teaching on Sravakayana
大悲觀世音菩薩與圓融自在的人生 || Avalokitesvara And a Happy Life
大威德金剛火供法會開示 || Yamantaka Fire Puja Teaching
十二緣起支 || Teaching on Dependent Origination Pratityasamutpada
迴向願文 || Teaching on Dedications
如何斷除對此生的貪著 (噶當十秘財) || How to Get Rid of Attachments in This Life
如何斷除對來生的貪著 || How to Get Rid of Attachments to Samsara
菩提心的殊勝 || Teaching on Merits of Bodhicitta
暇滿難得 || Teaching on Precious Human Rebirth
死無常 || Teaching on Impermanence
觀修菩提心的方法 || Teaching on Bodhicitta Practice
浴佛法會開示 || Vesak Day Teaching
菩提心的功德利益 || Teaching on Merits and Benefits of Bodhicitta
Teachings on Je Tsongkhapa’s Three Principal Aspects of the Path
大乘長淨戒開示 || Mahayana Vow Teaching
大年初三祈願法會開示 (談煙供及護法的供奉) || Smoke Puja and Protector Offering Teaching
藏傳佛教的內涵 || Teaching on Tibetan Buddhism
皈依開示 || Teaching on Taking Refuge
三十五佛禮懺法教授 || Thirty Five Confession Buddhas Teaching
大禮拜的功德 || Benefits and Merits of Prostrations

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