Praise of the Twenty-One Taras |+| 二十一度母禮讚文

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      Gosok Rinpoche Recites Praise to 21 Tara (loop)

      || 果碩仁波切親誦二十一度母禮讚文

      ༄༅། །སྒྲོལ་མ་ལ་ཕྱག་འཚལཉི་ཤུརྩགཅིག་གིས་བསྟོད་པ།།

      Praise of the Twenty-one Taras


      21 Thi Kệ Xưng Tán Tara

      ༄༅།།ཨོཾརྗེ་བཙུན་མའཕགས་མ་སྒྲོལ་མ་ལ་ཕྱག་འཚལ་ལོ།། 皆尊麻 帕麻 卓麻洽策洛 頂禮尊聖救度母 OM je tsun ma pak ma drol ma la chak tsal lo OM I prostrate to the noble lady Tara, transcendent liberator. OM – Kính lạy đấng Quan Âm Phổ Độ Mẫu tôn kính.

      In this Praise of 21 Taras, we pay homage to her outer Nirmanakaya or manifested aspects as well as her inner Sambhogakaya and Dharmakaya qualities. We prostrate to the holy body, holy speech and holy mind of Tara with our body, speech and mind.

      Tara is the mother of all Buddhas. She was born from the compassionate tears of Avalokitesvara. Two tear drops became lotus flowers, then transformed to Green Tara and White Tara, then they manifested into different forms and names as Twenty One Taras.

      Her charm, beauty and youthful form shows her complete liberation with wisdom and bodhicitta.

      She wears silk garments and jewel ornaments revealing her complete enlightened qualities and activities.

      She sits in the centre of an aura of light on a moon cushion (representing bodhichitta) above a lotus seat (representing renunciation), with left leg bent (representing her realization of emptiness) and right leg extended on top of a lotus flower (indicating her bodhichitta, as she is ready to help all sentient beings). 

      Her right hand is in Varada mudra (arm down, palm facing out and fingers down), indicating ordinary and sublime accomplishments. She often holds a treasure vase in various colours.

      Her left hand is in the mudra of bestowing refuge in the three jewels (thumb and ring finger touching with other fingers pointing up) representing Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.  Her left thumb and ring finger hold the stem of a lotus or utpala flower (indicating her realization has fully bloomed). Usually, there is a different dharma implement above the flower for each Tara.

      In her heart a green TAM ཏཱཾ syllable radiates light.

      With pure faith and strong motivation, by relying on Tara, through the union of wisdom and method, through realization of emptiness and bodhicitta, we can pacify inner and outer obstacles, accumulate merits, gather favourable conditions to quickly achieve enlightenment for the benefits of all beings. 

      Practicing the peaceful aspects of Tara is especially effective during the day, while practicing the wrathful aspects is effective at night.



      度母是諸佛事業的化現,更是諸佛之母,呈少女狀度化眾生,面容慈祥莊嚴(代表圓滿解脫),一面二臂,身穿天衣,瓔珞珠寶裝飾(代表圓滿事業功德),心間當字 ཏཱཾ 放射綠光,坐於蓮花座(代表出離心)、月輪(代表菩提心)之上,左腿屈表達空性,不住於輪迴,右腿伸踏蓮花上,代表她的大悲心,準備好隨時幫助眾生。 



      1 སྒྲོལ་མམྱུར་མ་དཔའ་མོ 奮迅救度母 / 速應勇度母 Tara Nyurma Palmo, Swift and Courageous

      ཕྱག་འཚལསྒྲོལ་མམྱུར་མ་དཔའ་མོ།། 洽策 卓麻 紐麻 巴摩 頂禮救度速勇母 Chak tsal drol ma nyur ma pa mo Homage to Tara swift and fearless, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, bậc đại hùng thần tốc, སྤྱན་ནི་སྐད་ཅིགགློགདང་འདྲ་མ། 間尼 給吉 洛當 札麻 目如電光剎那照 Chen ni ke chik lok dang dra ma With eyes like a flash of lightning, ánh mắt như tia chớp, འཇིག་རྟེན་གསུམ་མགོནཆུ་སྐྱེསཞལ་གྱི། 吉滇 孫棍 秋皆 協吉 三世界尊淚所生 Jig ten sum gon chu kye shal gyi Lotus-born in an ocean of tears đản sinh từ nhụy sen, của Quan Âm Đại Sĩ, གེ་སརབྱེ་བལས་ནི་བྱུང་མ། 給沙 皆哇 雷尼 炯麻 蓮花蕊開現端顏 ge sar je wa le ni jung ma Of Chenresig, three worldsprotector. trổ từ giọt nước mắt, là đấng đại cứu độ, của cả ba thế giới.

      Fearless Heroic Lady of Glory swiftly removes all demons, afflictions, obstacles, fears and sufferings with her bodhicitta, liberating all beings out of samsara without delay. 

      Tara was borned from the tears of Avalokitesvara, saviour of the three worlds (desire realm, form realm and formless realm)

      She is red with a wrathful smile. Her wisdom eyes are like lightning, comprehend all instantly. Her right hand holds the red vase that subjugates. On her left, above the lotus flower, there is a right turning conch, symbolizing the pure awakening sound of dharma.




      2 སྒྲོལ་མའོད་དཀར་ཅན 月色白度母 / 大寂靜母 / 秋季皓月度母 Tara, White as the Autumn Moon / Sarasvati

      ཕྱག་འཚལསྟོན་ཀའི་ཟླ་བཀུན་ཏུ།། 洽策 敦給 達哇 棍杜 頂禮秋宵無垢 Chak tsal tonke da wa kun tu Homage to you whose face is like Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, khuôn mặt ngài tròn đầy, གང་བབརྒྱ་ནི་བརྩེགས་པའི་ཞལ་མ། 岡哇 加尼 則貝 協麻 百聚圓滿容顏母 gang wa gya ni tsek pe shal ma One hundred autumn moons gathered như trăm vầng trăng thu, སྐར་མསྟོང་ཕྲགཚོགས་པརྣམསཀྱིས 嘎麻 東察 措巴 南吉 如千星宿俱時聚 kar ma tong trak tsog pa nam kyi And blazes with the dazzling light tỏa rạng ngời ánh sáng, རབ་ཏུ་ཕྱེ་བའི་འོད་རབའབར་མ། 拉杜 切威 我拉 巴麻 殊勝威光熠射母 rab tu che we orab bar ma Of a thousand constellations. của hàng ngàn thiên hà.

      Lady of Supreme Peace with mirror like wisdom, is brilliant white as one hundred autumn moons and shining like a thousand stars, defeating diseases and evil spirits; dispelling darkness and ignorance

      Her right hand holds the pacifying white vase to increase lifespan and merits. Her left hand holds a lotus flower with a mirror marked with the syllable HRIM, radiating wisdom lights in all directions, purifying our mind stream, so we can perceive the ultimate luminosity and realize the wisdom of emptiness.

      In Sanskrit, she is Sarasvati, the Melodious Liberator. She is also known as the knowledge giver.




      3 སྒྲོལ་མགསེར་མདོག་ཅན 紫磨金色母 / 金光度母 Tara, Golden Coloured

      ཕྱག་འཚལགསེརསྔོ་ཆུ་ས་སྐྱེསཀྱིས།། 洽策 色我 秋內 皆吉 頂禮金藍水中生 Chak tsal ser ngo chu ne kye kyi Homage to you, born from a gold-blue lotus, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, màu vàng tỏa ánh biếc, པདྨསཕྱག་ནི་རྣམ་པརབརྒྱན་མ། 貝美 洽尼 南巴 間麻 蓮花手中嚴飾母 Pe me chak ni nam par gyen ma Hands adorned with lotus flowers, tay trang nghiêm sen quý, སྦྱིན་པབརྩོན་འགྲུསདཀའ་ཐུབ་ཞི་བ། 今巴 尊主 嘎土 西哇 布施精進難行靜 Jin pa tson dru ka tub shi wa Essence of giving, effort, and ethics, Ngài là bậc hiện thân, hàng phục mọi khổ hạnh, བཟོད་པབསམ་གཏནསྤྱོད་ཡུལཉིད་མ། 索巴 三滇 覺友 尼麻 忍辱禪定行境母 zo pa sam ten cho yul nyi ma Patience, concentration, and wisdom. của mọi hạnh siêu việt: bố thí và tinh tấn, nhẫn nhục và an định.

      Golden Lady of Good Fortune increases life, enjoyment and merits through completion of the six perfections (generosity, virtue, patience, perseverance, concentration, wisdom). 

      She is yellow in color. Her left hand holds a lotus flower with wish fulfilling gems. Her right hand holds the yellow vase that increases wisdom, merits and wealth, removes ignorance, suffering and disasters.

      黃金度母六波羅蜜多 (布施持戒忍辱精進禪定般若) 證得果位,度化眾。 


      4 སྒྲོལ་མ་དེ་བཞིནགཤེགས་པགཙུག་ཏོར་ཅན 頂髻尊勝母 / 頂髻勝利度母 Tara, Crown Jewel of the Tathagatas / Usnisavijaya

      ཕྱག་འཚལདེ་བཞིན་གཤེགས་པའི་གཙུག་ཏོར།། 洽策 迭新 協貝 祖多 頂禮猶如佛頂髻 Chak tsal de zhin shek pe tsuk tor Homage to you who crowns all Buddhas, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, Như Lai thắng đảnh, མཐའ་ཡསརྣམ་པར་རྒྱལ་བསྤྱོད་མ། 他耶 南巴 皆哇 覺麻 勝伏一切行境母 ta ye nam par gyal wa cho ma Whose action subdues without limit; hàng phục vô lượng ma, མ་ལུསཕ་རོལ་ཕྱིན་པཐོབ་པའི། 麻呂 帕若 青巴 透貝 無餘波羅密多行 ma lu pa rol chin pa tob pe Attained to every perfection, Viên mãn tất cả hạnh ba la mật, རྒྱལ་བའི་སྲསཀྱིསཤིན་ཏུབསྟེན་མ། 皆威 色吉 新杜 滇麻 圓滿佛子所依母 gyal we sek yi shin tu ten ma On you the bodhisattvas rely. Ngài là chốn nương dựa, của hết thảy những người con Phật Thế Tôn.

      Lady of Complete Victory over all non-virtue and afflictive emotions, she embodies all positive qualities, overcoming all disharmonious and unfavourable conditions and opposing forces, purifying negativities for protection from lower rebirth.

      Even bodhisattvas who have achieved the ten bhumis can rely on her to complete the ten perfections on the path to enlightenment.

      She is the crown jewel of the Tathagatas, yellow in colour, holding the immortality nectar vase that revitalizes, rejuvenates and grants the highest life and attainments.



      5 སྒྲོལ་མཧཱུཾསྒྲ་སྒྲོགས་མ 音杜達母 / 發度母 Tara, Resounding with Hum / Kukukule

      ཕྱག་འཚལཏུཏྟཱ་རཧཱུྃཡི་གེ 洽策 杜達 拉 伊給 頂禮達拉 Chak tsal tut ta ra hung yi ge Homage to you whose TUTTARA and HUM Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, TUTTARA và HUM, འདོདདངཕྱོགསདངནམ་མཁའ་གང་མ། 德當 秋當 南卡 岡麻 遍及欲方虛空母 Do dang chok dang nam kha gang ma Fill the realms of desire, form, and space. hai chủng tự nhiệm màu, rót đầy ba cõi: Dục, Sắc và Vô Sắc, འཇིག་རྟེན་བདུན་པོ་ཞབསཀྱིསམནན་ཏེ། 吉滇 敦波 夏吉 內迭 蓮足遍履七世界 Jig ten dun po shab kyi nen te You crush seven worlds beneath your feet chân Ngài trấn đạp cả bảy thế giới, ལུས་པ་མེད་པར་འགུགས་པར་ནུས་མ 呂巴 美巴 固巴 女麻 悉能無餘勾召母 Lu pa me par guk par nu ma And have power to call all forces. nhiếp thọ chúng sinh hữu tình không sót một ai.

      The Resounding Hum ཧཱུྃ All Knowing Tara, Kurukulle in Sanskrit, fulfills attraction activities, subjugates and summons with her bodhicitta and wisdom

      The sounds from Hum and rainbow lights from her mantra garland fill the seven realms (five desire realms, form realm and formless realm), transforming pains and cause of pains in samsara to joy, obstacles to favourable conditions, dualistic consciousness to buddha mind.

      Her body is red-yellow, semi-wrathful, holding a red vase that ravishes. Her left hand holding a lotus flower with bow and arrow, destroying arrogance and pride. Her feet trample all beings for their benefits.

      度母作明佛母是同一本體,怒態消除心,右手持紅瓶,左手蓮花上有弓箭,賜予權勢懷攝力,號召一切眾生,雙足壓伏一切邪魔外道。 “ཧཱུྃ 代表大悲菩提心,“杜達拉”代表無空性智慧音和光明傳遍七界(五欲界色界無色界)。

      6 སྒྲོལ་མའཇིག་རྟེན་གསུམརྒྱལ་མ 帝梵恭奉母 / 勝三界度母 Tara, Victor Over the Three Worlds

      ཕྱག་འཚལབརྒྱ་བྱིནམེ་ལྷཚངས་པ།། 洽策 加今 美拉 倉巴 頂禮釋梵自在天 Chak tsal gya jin me lha tsang pa Homage to you adored by Indra, Agni, Brahma, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, là bậc mà chư thiên: Đế Thích, Tích Lịch Thiên, Phạm Thiên, རླུང་ལྷསྣ་ཚོགསདབང་ཕྱུགམཆོད་མ། 隆拉 納措 汪秋 卻麻 風神供養 Lung lha na tsok wang chuk cho ma Vayu, and Ishvara, Phong Lôi Thần, và các bậc Đế Thiên đều hết lòng sùng kính, འབྱུང་པོརོ་ལངསདྲི་ཟརྣམསདང་། 炯波 若浪 吉沙 南當 部多起屍尋香 Jung po ro lang dri za nam dang Praised in song by hosts of spirits, cùng tất cả quỷ thần: Khởi Thi, Càn Thát Bà, གནོད་སྦྱིནཚོགསཀྱིསམདུན་ནསབསྟོད་མ། 諾今 措吉 敦內 敦麻 藥叉眾等禮讚母 No jin tsok kyi dun ne to ma Zombies, scent eaters, and yakshas. Khởi thi, Càn thát bà, và các loài Dạ xoa, đều hết lòng tôn vinh. 

      Great Terrifying Lady wins complete victory over the three realms (outer, inner and secret realms). Directional protectors, gods, nagas, and various classes of spirits all pay homage to Tara.

      Her body is red-black, wrathful and surrounded by wisdom fire. Right hand holds a red-blue vase. Left hand holds lotus flower with a phurba, overcoming ghosts, spirits and negative forces.

      大威德度母,紅黑色,略顯忿,坐在火焰中,接受世間十方護法 (帝釋天、梵天火神風神、自在/水神、鬼王、起屍尋香夜叉地神) 頂禮


      7 སྒྲོལ་མརབའཇོམས་མ 摧破他力母 / 滅敵度母 Tara the Destructor

      ཕྱག་འཚལ་ཏྲཊ་ཅེས་བྱདངཕཊཀྱིས།། 洽策 哲皆 加當 沛吉 頂禮哲沛音吼 Chak tsal tre che ja dang pe kyi Homage to you whose TRAT and PHET Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, với âm TRAT và PHET, ཕ་རོལའཁྲུལ་འཁོརརབ་ཏུའཇོམས་མ། 帕洛 出擴 拉杜 炯麻 於彼惑障能摧母 Pa rol trul khor rab tu jom ma Destroy external wheels of magic. Ngài phá tan tất cả mọi luân xa huyền thuật, གཡས་བསྐུམ་གཡོནབརྐྱངཞབསཀྱིསམནན་ཏེ། 耶棍 雲江 夏吉 內迭 左足展踏右足屈 Ye kum yon kyang shab kyi nen te Right leg drawn in and left extended, Đôi chân Ngài nhấn xuống, bàn chân phải co lại, và chân trái duỗi ra, མེ་འབརའཁྲུགས་པཤིན་ཏུའབར་མ། 美巴 出巴 新杜 巴麻 智火烈焰熾然母 me bar truk pa shin tu bar ma You blaze within a raging fire. Ngài bốc cháy bừng bừng, trong muôn trùng lửa xoáy.

      Destructor Tara, with “Trat” ཏྲཊ and “Phetཕཊ syllables, she conquers black magic, evil curses and opposing forces with wisdom of bliss and emptiness.

      She is black, wrathful and surrounded by wisdom fire. Her left hand holds lotus flower with sword that cuts ignorance. Her right hand holds the black vase that averts magic spells.

      She sits with her right leg bent and left leg outstretched, indicating she is ready to stand up to help all beings, to overcome all outer and inner obstacles, symbolising both method and wisdom.


      度母安住於熊熊的火焰中,以威猛悲智音“哲” ཏྲཊ、“沛” ཕཊ,回遮、燒滅一切輪迴涅槃、外道、怨敵、魔眾的詛、邪術及違

      8 སྒྲོལ་མབདུད་འཇོམསདབང་ཕྱུག་མ 摧滅魔怨母 / 除魔敵度母 Tara, Mara destroyer

      ཕྱག་འཚལཏུ་རེའཇིགས་པཆེན་པོས།། 洽策 杜雷 吉巴 千波 頂禮怖畏杜列音 Chak tsal tu re jik pa chen po Homage to you whose TURE destroys Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, bậc đại bố uý, chủng tự TURE, བདུད་ཀྱི་དཔའ་བོརྣམ་པརའཇོམས་མ། 杜吉 巴我 南巴 炯麻 勇猛魔軍盡摧母 Du kyi pa wo nam par jom ma The great fears, the mighty demons. diệt đội quân Ma Vương, ཆུ་སྐྱེསཞལ་ནི་ཁྲོ་གཉེརལྡན་མཛད 秋皆 協尼 措內 滇則 蓮花面作顰眉 Chu kye shal ni tro nyer den dze With a wrathful frown on your lotus face, với gương mặt đoá sen, đầy oai thần phẫn nộ, དགྲ་བོཐམས་ཅདམ་ལུསགསོད་མ། 札我 湯皆 麻呂 索麻 無餘摧滅眾敵母 Dra wo tam che ma lu so ma You slay all foes without exception. Ngài quét sạch thù địch, không chừa sót một ai.

      Invincible Fearless Tara conquers four maras (afflictions, aggregates, death and Devaputra) with the sound of “Ture” and fierce wisdom fire.

      Her body is red-black with a wrathful face. Her right hand holds a red vase. Her left hand holds a flaming vajra.

      The Tara overcomes external enemies, including arguments and lawsuits. She eliminates internal obscurations and disturbing emotions that hinder enlightenment and omniscience.


      度母略顯顰蹙,以慈悲心忿怒之態、熊熊智火、杜列音,遣除違,降伏四魔: 天魔死魔、身心魔以及煩惱魔、慢、疑),獲得解脫

      9 སྒྲོལ་མའདོདསྟེར་ 三寶嚴印母 / 無上成就度母 Tara who grants all wishes

      ཕྱག་འཚལདཀོན་མཆོག་གསུམམཚོནཕྱག་རྒྱའི།། 洽策 棍秋 孫村 洽吉 頂禮三寶所表徵 Chak tsal kon chok sum tson chak gye Homage to you beautifully adorned Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, tay trang nghiêm nơi tim, སོར་མོས་ཐུགས་ཀརརྣམ་པརབརྒྱན་མ། 索摩 土嘎 南巴 間麻 手印心間嚴飾母 Sor mo tuk kar nam par gyen ma By the Three Jewels’ gesture at your heart. mang ấn kiết Tam Bảo, Tối Thượng và Tôn Quý, མ་ལུསཕྱོགསཀྱི་འཁོར་ལོབརྒྱན་པའི། 麻呂 秋吉 擴洛 間貝 無餘各方輪圓飾 Ma lu chok kyi khor lo gyen pe Your wheel shines in all directions cùng pháp luân trang nghiêm, chiếu toả khắp mười phương, རང་གིའོད་ཀྱི་ཚོགས་རྣམསའཁྲུག་མ། 讓給 我吉 措南 出麻 自身光聚熾耀母 Rang gi od kyi tsok nam truk ma With a whirling mass of light. thân phóng toàn ánh sáng, không thiếu sót phương nào.

      Green Tara is the protector from eight great outer and inner fears:

      • water or flood / attachment, desire;
      • thieves / wrong views;
      • lions / pride;
      • snakes / jealousy;
      • fire / anger;
      • spirits, demons / doubt;
      • imprisonment, chain / greed;
      • elephants / ignorance.

      Her right hand is in Varada mudra, granting sublime realisations. Her left hand is in three jewels mudra and holds a lotus flower with Dharma wheel.

      Light rays and nectar radiate in all directions. Tara is inseparable from your guru, three jewels, and all enlightened activities of all buddhas.




      10 སྒྲོལ་མམྱ་ངནསེལ་བྱེད་ 歡悅威德母 / 消苦惱度母 Tara who dispells grief and sorrow

      ཕྱག་འཚལརབ་ཏུ་དགའ་བབརྗིད་པའི།། 洽策 拉杜 嘎哇 吉貝 頂禮威嚴頭飾 Chak tsal rab tu ga wa ji pe Homage to you, radiant and joyful, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, đỉnh đầu Ngài toả rạng, དབུ་རྒྱནའོད་ཀྱི་ཕྲེང་བ་སྦེལ་མ། 屋間 我吉 成哇 貝麻 以及歡悅迭現母 U gyen o kyi treng wa pel ma Whose crown emits a garland of light. nguồn ánh sáng rực rỡ tươi vui, བཞད་པ་རབབཞད་ཏུཏྟཱ་ར་ཡིས། 協巴 拉協 杜達 拉伊 最喜笑聲杜達拉 She pa rab shye Tut ta ra yi You, by the laughter of TUTTARA, tiếng cười TUTTARA, nở giòn tan rộn rã, བདུདདངའཇིག་རྟེན་དབང་དུ་མཛད་མ། 杜當 吉滇 汪杜 則麻 魔及世間降伏母 Du dang jig ten wang du dze ma Conquer demons and lords of the world. thu phục hết toàn bộ, Ma Vương cùng Thiên Vương.

      Tara conquers the demons and wins victory over three worlds with her joy, laughters (HA HAA, HI HII, HE HAI, HO HAU), “Tuttaramantra and garland of lights from her crown ornament. Her ornaments, anklets, bracelets, ear ring, crown and necklaces radiate light rays in ten directions. They are manifestations of her holy mind, representing all her awaken qualities and activities.

      Anyone with strong faith to make requests to Tara will receive her blessing.

      She is red, right hand holding the red vase that defeats mara demons, left hand holding lotus flower with victory banner above.


      以歡悅八大笑聲 (“哈哈、呵呵、嘿嘿、吙吙”)、語 (“杜達拉”) 和頭飾上的光環摧滅魔軍,懷愛一切內外魔敵。


      11 སྒྲོལ་མའགྲོ་བཀུནའགུགསཕོངས་པསེལ་མ 解厄聖度母 / 救貧窮度母 Tara who magnetises all beings and dispels their misfortune

      ཕྱག་འཚལས་གཞི་སྐྱོང་བའི་ཚོགས་རྣམས།། 洽策 沙西 炯威 措南 頂禮大地眾守護 chak tsal sa shi kyong we tsok nam Homage to you with power to invoke Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, Ngài triệu thỉnh tất cả, ཐམས་ཅདའགུགསབར་ནུས་པཉིད་མ། 湯皆 固巴 女麻 尼麻 諸神皆得召伏母 tam che guk par nu pa nyi ma The assembly of local protectors. chư hộ thần sở tại, ཁྲོ་གཉེརགཡོ་བའི་ཡི་གེཧཱུྃ་གིས། 措內 友威 伊給 面搖顰眉心 tro nyer yo we yi ge hung gi With your fierce frown and vibrating HUM, chủng tự HUM oai nộ, rung chuyển toàn thế giới, ཕོངས་པཐམས་ཅདརྣམ་པརསྒྲོལ་མ 朋巴 湯皆 南巴 卓麻 度脫一切貧苦母 pong pa tam che nam par drol ma You bring freedom from all poverty. cứu vớt khắp chúng sanh thoát mọi cảnh bần cùng.

      The Wealth Tara eradicates poverty. She is red-yellow like refined gold with a wrathful holy face. The letter Hum vibrates and radiates light from her heart. She holds the yellow wealth vase. She purifies beings from miserliness, which is the cause of poverty.

      Tara invokes the ten directional protectors (nagas, yakshas, earth gods and goddesses) and grants the magical attainments of outer and inner wealth, clearing Samsara and Nirvana of suffering due to poverty and ignorance.



      12 སྒྲོལ་མབཀྲ་ཤིསསྟེར་ 月相冠冕母 / 能吉祥 Tara who bestows prosperity

      ཕྱག་འཚལཟླ་བའིདུམ་བུའི་དབུ་རྒྱན།། 洽策 達威 敦布 屋間 頂禮月梢嚴頂飾 chak tsal da we dum bu u gyen Homage to you with crescent moon crown, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, đỉnh đầu Ngài trang nghiêm, བརྒྱན་པ་ཐམས་ཅདཤིན་ཏུའབར་མ། 間巴 湯皆 新杜 巴麻 光輝耀熾遍照母 gyen pa tam che shin tu bar ma All your adornments dazzling bright. vầng trăng sắp độ rằm, điểm ngọc châu sáng chói, རལ་པའི་ཁྲོད་ནསའོད་དཔག་མེདལས 雷貝 澈納 我巴 美雷 無量光佛髻中住 ral pe tro ne o pak me le From your hair-knot Amitabha từ trong lọn tóc Ngài, là Phật A Di Đà, རྟག་པརཤིན་ཏུའོད་རབམཛད་མ། 達巴 新杜 我拉 則麻 恆常普放光明母 tag par shin tu o rab dze ma Shines eternal with great beams of light. phóng toả hào quang lớn, sáng vô lượng vô biên.

      Tara bestows everything Auspicious. She brings inner harmony, health and balance. Externally, she brings timely rain, good harvests, childbirth, healthy children and prosperity.

      She is gold in color, with Amitabha, Buddha of infinite light, at her crown. Her left hand holds the vase of good fortune. Her right hand holds lotus flower with auspicious endless knot.

      Compassionate lights radiate from her body, jewels, attire and Amitabha.



      13 སྒྲོལ་མདགྲ་དཔུངའཇོམས་མ 烈焰聖度母 / 焰光熾盛度母 Tara who defeats enemies

      ཕྱག་འཚལབསྐལ་པཐ་མ་མེ་ལྟར།། 洽策 給貝 他美 美達 頂禮猶如盡劫火 chak tsal kal pa ta me me tar Homage to you who dwells in a blazing wreath Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, sánh bằng lửa hoại kiếp, འབར་བའི་ཕྲེང་བའི་དབུས་ན་གནས་མ 巴威 成威 屋納 內麻 熾然火鬘中住母 bar we treng we u na ne ma Like the fire at the end of this age. giữa vòng lửa cháy rực, Ngài an định tự tại, གཡསབརྐྱངགཡོན་བསྐུམ་ཀུན་ནསབསྐོརདགའི 耶江 雲棍 棍內 果給 半趺坐中轉法輪 ye kyang yon kum kun ne kor ge Your right leg outstretched and left drawn in, hoan hỷ chúng đệ tử, với chân phải đưa ra, དགྲ་ཡི་དཔུང་ནི་རྣམ་པརའཇོམས་མ། 札伊 奔尼 南巴 炯麻 喜悅遍摧怨敵母 dra yi pu nam par jom ma Joy surrounds you who defeats hosts of foes. và chân trái thu vào, diệt trừ hết thảy, mọi đội quân thù nghịch.

      Victorious Over War, Tara defeats inner and outer enemies. Negative emotions are the demons and obstacles to the path of enlightenment. Tara overcomes duality and hostile conceptions.

      Her body is red, surrounded by extremely hot blazing innate fire of wisdom. She holds a wrathful vajra with open prongs.



      14 སྒྲོལ་མཁྲོ་གཉེརཅན་ 顰眉聖度母 / 忿怒度母 Tara, wrathful with furrowing Brow

      ཕྱག་འཚལས་གཞིའི་ངོས་ལ་ཕྱག་གི། 洽策 沙西 我拉 洽給 頂禮以手心鎮壓 Homage to you whose foot stamps the earth chak tsal sa shi ngo la chak gi Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, bàn tay vỗ mặt đất, མཐིལགྱིསབསྣུན་ཅིངཞབསཀྱིསབརྡུང་མ 提吉 女今 夏吉 敦麻 且以足踩大地母 til gyi nun ching shab kyi dung ma And whose palm strikes the ground by your side. và bàn chân trấn đạp, ཁྲོ་གཉེརཅན་མཛདཡི་གེཧཱུྃ་གིས། 措內 間則 伊給 目現顰眉字光 With a wrathful glance and the letter HUM tro nyer chen dze yi ge hung gi với ánh mắt oai thần cùng với chủng tự HUM, རིམ་པབདུན་པོ་རྣམས་ནི་འགེམས་མ། 仁巴 敦波 南尼 給麻 七惡逐次摧壞母 rim pa dun po nam ni gem ma You subdue all in the seven stages. chinh phục bảy địa ngục.

      Wrathful Frowning Tara destroys hindering demons. She is black with wrinkled brows, holding lotus flower with wooden pestle on top.

      She strikes her palm on the ground and stamps her feet to make the world tremble. With lights from the Hum ཧཱུྃ syllable, she subdues the seven underworlds and removes all obstacles on the path to enlightenment.

      顰眉度母黑色, 手以降伏印壓地, 足踩踏大地,右手打魔敵寶瓶,左手蓮花上有木杵。

      這尊忿怒度母以“ཧཱུྃ 摧伏一切邪魔、障礙,令修行圓滿。

      15 སྒྲོལ་མ་ཞི་བ་ཆེན་མོ 安樂柔善母 / 大寂靜母 Tara of great peace

      ཕྱག་འཚལབདེ་མ་དགེ་མ་ཞི་མ།། 洽策 迭麻 給麻 西麻 頂禮入安樂柔善 Chak tsal de ma ge ma shi ma Homage to the blissful, virtuous, peaceful one, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, bậc đại hỉ đại đức, མྱ་ངན་འདས་ཞི་སྤྱོད་ཡུལཉིད་མ། 釀年 迭西 覺友 尼麻 涅槃寂靜行境母 Nya ngen de shi cho yul nyi ma Object of practice, nirvana’s peace. là đối tượng hành trì, đạt niềm vui niết bàn, སྭཱ་ཧཱཨོཾདངཡང་དགལྡན་པས 梭哈 央達 滇貝 真實梭哈字等 So ha om dang yang dak den pe Perfectly endowed with SOHA and OM, you are the perfectly endowed with SOHA and OM, སྡིག་པཆེན་པོའཇོམས་པཉིད་མ། 迪巴 千波 炯巴 尼麻 極能滅大罪障母 Dik pa chen po jom pa nyi ma Overcoming all the great evils. Ngài chiến thắng toàn bộ, mọi tà ma ác quỷ.

      Tara of Supreme Peacefulness is blissful, virtuous, and tranquil. She abides in dharmakaya, beyond samsara and nirvana

      Her body is white, holding a white vase that purifies the cause of all sins and obscurations to eliminate obstacles.

      Her mantra that begins with Om ཨོཾ and ends with Soha སྭཱ་ཧཱ, completely pacifies all evils: attachment, anger and ignorance, so the lights of wisdom shine.



      度母以“..娑哈” ཨོཾ སྭཱ་ཧཱ 功德,息滅生、老、病、死等間世苦,消除一切大惡,尤其是無明,令智慧展現。

      16 སྒྲོལ་མཆགསའཇོམས་མ 明覺度母 / 明聲母 / 明度母 Tara who destroys attachment

      ཕྱག་འཚལཀུན་ནསབསྐོརརབདགའ་བའི།། 洽策 棍內 果拉 嘎威 頂禮喜悅法輪 Chak tsal kun ne kor rab ga we Homage to you with joyous retinue, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, cho chúng sinh phúc lạc, དགྲ་ཡི་ལུས་ནི་རབ་ཏུའགེམས་མ། 札伊 呂尼 南巴 根麻 其怨敵身盡摧母 Dra yi lu ni rab tu gem ma You subdue fully all enemies’ forms. pháp luân ban hoan hỉ, khuất phục mọi kẻ thù, ཡི་གེབཅུ་པའི་ངག་ནི་བཀོད་པའི། 伊給 久貝 納尼 果貝 十字真言妙嚴佈 Yi ge chu pe ngak ni ko pe The ten-letter mantra adorns your heart, mười chủng tự trang nghiêm, lời nói Ngài màu nhiệm, རིག་པཧཱུྃལསསྒྲོལ་མཉིད་མ། 利巴 卓麻 尼麻 光度脫母 Rig pa hung le drol ma nyi ma And your knowledge – HUM gives liberation. HUM chủng tự trí tuệ, phổ độ khắp chúng sinh.

      Tara Who Arises from the Hum ཧཱུྃ of Intrinsic Awareness. The Tara is victorious over the bad contentions of others by increasing one’s wisdom.

      Her body is orange red, with her mantra and Hum radiating lights from her heart overcoming darkness of ignorance.

      Her right hand holds the red-yellow vase. Her left hand holds a lotus flower with a cross double vajra.


      度母十字環加上莊嚴的“”字 ཧཱུྃ,放出無量智慧光芒,摧毀眾生無明我執、我所執以及一切魔眾和怨敵,消除口舌訴訟官司等是非。

      17 སྒྲོལ་མའཇིག་རྟེན་གསུམརྒྱལ་མ 震撼三界 Tara, who shakes the Three Worlds

      ཕྱག་འཚལཏུ་རེའི་ཞབས་ནི་བརྡབས་པས།། 洽策 杜雷 夏尼 達貝 頂禮速疾足踩踏 chak tsal tu re shab ni dab pe Homage to TURE with stamping feet, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, và tuyên ngôn TURE, ཧཱུྃ་གི་རྣམ་པའི་ས་བོནཉིད་མ། 給 南貝 沙奔 尼麻 種子字性母 hung gi nam pe sa bon nyi ma Whose essence is the seed-letter HUM. Ngài dậm chân mặt đất, chủng tự mang sắc HUM, རི་རབམནྡྷརདངའབིགས་བྱེད 利拉 門達 拉當 比皆 須彌比傑曼達拉 ri rab men da ra dang big je You cause Meru, Mandara, and Vindhya, làm ba ngọn núi lớn, Tu Di, Man-da-ra và núi Vin-dhy-a, འཇིག་རྟེན་གསུམརྣམསགཡོ་བཉིད་མ། 吉滇 孫南 友哇 尼麻 世間眾撼動母 jig ten sum nam yo wa nyi ma And all three worlds to tremble and shake. cùng ba tầng thế giới, chấn động rung chuyển.

      Tara causes the Three Worlds, Mount Meru, Mandhara and Vindhya mountains to tremble with her stamping feet, rendering evil beings in these mountains powerless. 

      Her body is red yellow, holding the yellow vase that subdues magic mantras. She pacifies maras, demons and obscurations with the Hum Syllable.



      18 སྒྲོལ་མ་རྨ་བྱ་ཆེན་མོ 滅毒聖度母 / 息滅毒母 Tara who protects from and neutralizes poison

      ཕྱག་འཚལལྷ་ཡིའཚོ་ཡི་རྣམ་པའི།། 洽策 拉伊 措伊 南貝 頂禮如天海行相 chak tsal lha yi tso yi nam pe Homage to you who holds in your hand Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, trên tay là vầng trăng, རི་དྭགས་རྟགས་ཅནཕྱག་ན་བསྣམས་མ། 利達 達間 洽納 南麻 月亮手中執持母 ri dak tak chen chak na nam ma A moon like a celestial lake. in bóng hình ngọc thỏ, tựa ngân hà cõi thiên, ཏཱ་ར་གཉིསབརྗོདཕཊ་ཀྱི་ཡི་གེས། 達拉 尼覺 沛吉 伊給 念誦達拉及沛字 ta ra nyi jo pe kyi yi ge Saying TARA twice and the letter PHET, hai lần âm TARA cùng với chủng tự PHET, དུགརྣམསམ་ལུས་པར་ནི་སེལ་མ། 杜南 麻呂 巴尼 色麻 諸毒無餘盡除母 duk nam ma lu par ni sel ma You dispel all poisons without exception. Ngài khiến cho tất cả, mọi chất độc tiêu tan.

      Great Peacock Tara neutralizes and eliminates all poison, including poisons of our minds that cause our afflictions.

      Her body is white. She holds the white vase that dispels poison and disease.  Her right hand holds a lotus flower with full moon on top symbolizing self arisen wisdom.


      19 སྒྲོལ་མསྡུག་བསྔལསེལ་བྱེད་ 天王所敬母 / 除鬥諍母 / 消除苦難度母 Tara who protects from quarrels and bad dreams / Sitatapatra

      ཕྱག་འཚལལྷ་ཡིཚོགས་རྣམསརྒྱལ་པོ།། 洽策 拉伊 措南 皆波 頂禮天眾王及天 chak tsal lha yi tsok nam gyal po Homage to you on whom the kings of gods, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, là nơi chốn của tất cả Thiên Vương, ལྷདངམིའམ་ཅི་ཡིས་བསྟེན་མ། 拉當 米昂 吉伊 滇麻 非人等所依母 lha dang mi am chi yi ten ma The gods themselves, and all spirits rely. chư Thiên và Khẩn-na-la nương dựa vào, ཀུན་ནསགོ་ཆདགའ་བའི་བརྗིདཀྱིས 棍內 果洽 嘎威 吉吉 威德歡悅之堅鎧 kun ne go cha ga wa ji kyi Your armor radiates joy to all; khoác áo giáp lộng lẫy, mang niềm vui trong sáng đến cho khắp mọi loài, རྩོདདངརྨི་ལམ་ངན་པསེལ་མ། 則當 米藍 恩巴 色麻 鬥諍惡夢滅除母 tso dang mi lam ngen pa sel ma You soothe conflicts and nightmares as well. phá tan mọi ác mộng, cùng với mọi chấp tranh.

      Tara alleviates all suffering, nightmares, conflicts and disputes.

      Her body is white, holding the white jewelled parasol (umbrella) that protects all beings. Even kings and gods can rely on her.

      Her mantra and ornaments (crown that symbolize honor and wisdom, ear rings, armlets, bracelets, anklets, necklaces representing perfect mantra, belt, lower garments indicating bodhicitta) are the armor to protect beings from evil spirits, conflicts and to avert delusions of the mind.

      除苦難度母 (也叫大白傘蓋佛母) 白色,手持寶瓶,能除苦厄,解脫噩夢、惡兆怖畏、官司訴訟以及牢獄之災等世間疾苦。


      20 སྒྲོལ་མ་དངོས་གྲུབ་འབྱུང་གནས་མ 消疫聖度母 / 除瘟疫度母 Tara who dispels plagues / Parnashavari

      ཕྱག་འཚལཉི་མཟླ་བརྒྱས་པའི།། 洽策 尼麻 達哇 皆貝 頂禮圓滿如日月 Chak tsal nyi ma da wa gye pe Homage to you whose eyes, the sun and moon, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, với đôi mắt Nhật Nguyệt, སྤྱན་གཉིས་པོ་ལ་འོད་རབགསལ་མ 間尼 波拉 我拉 色麻 雙眼明光普照母 Chen nyi po la o rab sal ma Radiate with pure brilliant light; toả hào quang rực sáng rạng ngời, ཧ་རགཉིསབརྗོདཏུཏྟཱ་ར་ཡིས། 哈拉 尼覺 杜達 拉伊 念誦哈拉杜達拉 Ha ra nyi jo tut ta ra yi Uttering HARA twice and TUTTARA tuyên ngôn hai lần âm HARA và âm TUTTARA màu nhiệm, ཤིན་ཏུ་དྲག་པོའི་རིམས་ནདསེལ་མ། 新杜 札波 林內 色麻 惡毒疫癘盡除母 shin tu drak po rim ne sel ma Dispels extremely fearful plagues. diệt tan tất cả tật dịch truyền nhiễm.

      Tara removes epidemic and contagious diseases. She purifies all obscurations and negativities with wisdom of clear light mind.

      She is golden red, dressed in leaves, holding the red vase that dispels outer sickness and inner afflictions, removing all causes and fruitions. Lights shine to clear blockages for red and white drops.

      In wrathful aspect, her eyes are red and round like the sun, radiating hot light, curing sickness. In peaceful aspect, her eyes are like the moon, radiating cool lights, bringing physical and spiritual well being. 




      21 སྒྲོལ་མཡོངསསུ་རྫོགསབྱེད་མ 圓滿成就事業母 / 具光勝度母 Tara who perfects all

      ཕྱག་འཚལདེ་ཉིདགསུམརྣམསབཀོད་པས།། 洽策 迭尼 孫南 果貝 頂禮自性莊嚴 Chak tsal den yi sum nam ko pe Homage to you, adorned with three natures, Kính lạy Đức Độ Mẫu, trang nghiêm ba chân như, ཞི་བའི་མཐུ་དངཡང་དགལྡན་མ། 西威 土當 央達 滇麻 真實息災力具母 Shi we tu dang yang dak den ma Perfectly endowed with peaceful strength. sung mãn lực tịch tĩnh tự tại, གདོནདངརོ་ལངསགནོད་སྦྱིནཚོགས་རྣམས 敦當 若浪 諾今 措南 魑魅起屍藥叉 Don dang ro lang no jin tsok nam You destroy demons, zombies, and yakshas; quân ác ma, quỷ khởi thi, dạ xoa, འཇོམས་པཏུ་རེརབ་མཆོགཉིད་མ། 炯巴 杜雷 拉秋 尼麻 最極迅速摧壞母 Jom pa tu re rab chok nyi ma O TURE, most exalted and sublime! dẹp tan hết thảy, trước TURE tuyệt bậc và tối thắng!

      Tara, with the wisdom to completely perfects all enlightened activities, is white, right hand holding the green vase accomplishing all magical attainments, left hand holding lotus flower with golden fish on top.

      With lights radiating from white Om, red Ah, and blue Hum syllables of her body, speech and mind, Tara swiftly overcomes ignorance, anger, attachment of all beings.



      རྩ་བའིསྔགསཀྱིསབསྟོད་པའདིདང་།། 紮威 雅棋 堆巴 迪堂 此乃贊頌根本 Tsa we ngak kyi to pa di dang I praise with this root mantra vậy đây là lời tán dương chân ngôn của Ngài, ཕྱག་འཚལ་བ་ནི་ཉི་ཤུརྩགཅིག 恰擦 哇尼 尼休 紮基 禮敬文共二十一 chak tsal wa ni nyi shu tsa chik and pay homage twenty one times. đảnh lễ Đức Độ Mẫu, 21 lần.

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