H.E. Gosok Rinpoche Public Talk
at University of Toronto September 23, 2019:
Less Stress, More Happiness || 蔣孜曲傑怙主果碩仁波切
減少壓力與增長快樂 2019-09-23

A Public talk by

His Eminence Jangtse Choeje

Gosok Rinpoche

at University of Toronto

This is a chance to dialogue with Jangtse Choeje, second in line to the Gaden Tripa – supreme head of the Gelugpa order of Tibetan Buddhism, about Buddhist methods to help with distress, depression, and other mental health issues and learn techniques to achieve greater resiliency and happiness.

Monday September 23, 2019 7-9pm
Innis Town Hall Theatre, 2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, ON M5S 1J5  
Free Admission.




親見藏傳佛教格魯傳承北頂法王怙主堪千-果碩仁波切,了解如何用佛法來解決心理壓力、抑鬱與煩惱, 提高耐壓能力, 獲得健康快樂的人生.

2019年9月23日晚在多倫多大學innis town hall 演講大廳,針對當代人心理失衡問題,格魯北頂法王怙主果碩仁波切的演講,徐徐道來,深入淺出,邏輯嚴明,句句入心,聽眾時而若有反思,時而熱淚盈眶,時而剎那頓悟,世俗之事,永無終期,感恩此晚,講者大悲,聽者開智,如此一晚,豈非人生大幸之夜?


One Response

  1. 祝愿仁波切法体安康、永久住世、永转法轮。祝愿一切如母有情,离苦得乐,究竟成佛。????????????

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