第三十一屆 尼泊爾格魯神變祈願大法會公告
─3月11至12日(藏暦元月19日至20日)兩天,至尊無等北頂法王怙主果碩仁波切於「基仲桑滇林寺」講經: 功德之本颂, 菩提道燈論,聖道三要。
尼泊爾格魯祈願法會籌備小組 西元2023年2月21日
我們將在 Zoom 上直播此法會,請參考播出時間表: https://www.gosokrinpoche.com/broadcast/
The 31st Annual Nepal Gelug Monlam Prayer
March 4-8, 2023, 7am to 6pm
at Gosok Puntsok Choeling Monastery, Swoyambhu, Kathmandu.
Organized by Nepal Gelug Monlam Committee.
This auspicious event will be presided by His Eminence Jangtse Choje Gosok Rinpoche, His eminence of Gelug along with huge gathering of Rinpoches, Tulkus, Khenpos, Geshes and Sanghas.
Teaching Schedule
by His Eminence Jangtse Choje Gosok Rinpoche
March 11-13 at Samtenling Monastery, Boudha
March 11-12, 1pm: Teaching on the Foundation of All Good Qualities, Bodhipath Pradip and Je Tsongkhapa’s Three Principal Aspects of the Path.
March 13, 1pm: Long life Initiation.
We’ll broadcast this event live on Zoom. Please refer to broadcast schedule: https://www.gosokrinpoche.com/broadcast/