Gosok Rinzin Phodang Phuntsok Choekyiling monastery is situated in the left side of Swayambunath Stupa and near the sacred hill of Lang Ri Lung Ten (Nagarjun hill) in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Gosok Rinzin Phodang Phuntsok Choekyiling monastery was build by Gyumed Khensur Kyabje Gosok Rinpoche and finished in 1996. Until now, we have more than 180 monks studying in Gosok Rinzin Phodang Phuntsok Choekyiling monastery.
The main purpose of establishing this monastery is to preserve the teaching of Buddha also to maintain and to protect monastic law.
In Gosok Rinzin Phodang Phuntsok Choekyiling monastery, we have 5 Geshes as Dharma teacher and 4 layman teacher who teach Tibetan and English. The monks will study until the 9th grade and after that we will sent them to study advance Buddhist Philosophy in Sera Mey Monastery, south India.
All the monks in Gosok Rinzin Phodang Phuntsok Choekyiling monastery will learn Tibetan language, Tibetan Caligraphy, Tibetan Grammar, English and Nepali language. And for the Dharma study, they will learn Sakyamuni Buddha’s biography, history of Buddhism, memorizing prayer and how to conduct a prayer with all the preparation, and the preliminary of Buddhist debate starting from Dudra (Reasoning of collected topics) and Lo Tag (valid cognition/the examination of mind).
For the Dharma study, we use the Buddhist text from Maha Pandita Khedrub Gendun Tenpa Dargyal and with compliment Dharma text from Geshe Drakpa Shedrup.
We also practice the Tantra of Yamantaka also practicing and memorizing other Dharma Protector Sadhana text too, also they learn to draw Thanka and Yidam Mandala.
On the 10th Tibetan month, we conduct the extended Medicine Buddha Sutra recitation and in Saka Dawa (4th Tibetan month) we conduct four mandala Puja with one hundred thousand Tara mantra recitation. And practicing the uninterrupted extensive Dharma practice to pacify all the impurity and to accumulate all the good deeds.
To sponsor the monastery, please email us at info@kunphen.ca We welcome any donation amount.


上师给我们种福田的机会,如果哪位善长仁翁愿意和上师一起供养这些小喇嘛,可以电邮 info@kunphen.ca 邮箱地址。我们会有专人和您联系!随喜助资,多多益善。无论您在世界何处,我们都愿意帮您完成这一功德!