加拿大果碩大慈普利寺千尊佛像供奉計劃 2023 || Kunphen Buddhist Centre Canada Medicine Buddha Statues Enshrinement Plan 2023

佛像数目及尺寸: 现有800尊接受供奉,每尊高約17公分,寬約10公分
轉款方式:可E-transfer到 kunphen.canada@gmail.com, 或到寺院繳交
One Thousand Medicine Buddha statues to be enshrined in Kunphen Buddhist Centre, Canada
The newly completed main hall of the Kunphen Buddhist Centre Canada will enshrine nearly 1,000 Medicine Buddha statues.
Location: Locate in the back wall of the Buddha statues in the main hall.
Number and size of Medicine Buddha statues: There are currently 800 statues to be enshrined, each about 17 cm high and 10 cm wide in size.
Medicine Buddha statue offering amount: CAD $350 per statue.
Anyone who is Rinpoche’s disciples, followers or the general public is eligible to participate. It can be in the name of living or deceased individual.(One name only per statue)
Benefits: It can be offered for health, purify karma, and longevity. It can also be offered for the deceased to be quickly reborn into the Pure Land.
Through the offering of the Medicine Buddha statues, one will be able to collect good karma to purify obstacles, so can fulfill their aspirations in this world and their happiness in the next life. Create favourable conditions for the generation of renunciation, bodhichitta, and emptiness, so as to obtain ultimate happiness and achieve perfect enlightenment.
Offering method: E-transfer to kunphen.canada@gmail.com and fill the form below. Or offer at KBC directly.