Kunphen Buddhist Centre, Toronto, Canada || 果硕大慈普利寺, 加拿大多倫多

中文 | Chinese Text, English Text | 英文, Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese | 越南文.

About Kunphen Buddhist Centre
Kunphen Buddhist Centre (KBC) is a Canadian approved Charity established in 2011.
KBC strives to promote Buddhism teaching for all sentient beings with proper Buddhism training and doctrines, to help them achieve eternal happiness.
KBC follows the teachings of H.E. Kyabje Jangtse Choje Gosok Rinpoche of Tibetan Gelukpa Buddhism. Educate different levels of Buddhist practitioners in both Buddhism commentary and tantric studies. With a multicultural spirit, KBC improves cross-religious and cultural communications to help build a better Canadian society.
KBC provides periodic Buddhist group practice sessions, Buddhism commentary teachings, and various mediation teachings for beginner to advance levels. H.E. Kyabje Jangtse Choje Gosok Rinpoche is here annually to give teachings, tantric Initiations and empowerment sessions. KBC will invite other internationally renowned Buddhist Gurus, Lamas, and Academics to hold dharma events and conduct prayers for world peace. KBC participates and conduct different community charity activities to achieve harmony among Canadian society.
KBC is a not-for-profit organization that is sponsored by members and distances itself from community fundraising activities.
加拿大果硕大慈普利寺已予加拿大政府 授准为慈善团体.
本會名為加拿大果硕大慈普利寺, 依堪千怙主果碩仁波切為根本上师,原名大慈普利學
Address and Map || 地址和地圖
KBC Address 果碩大慈普利寺地址: 40 Pritchard Ave, Toronto ON Canada M6N 1T3 (Jane and St. Clair Ave W)
By Subway / Bus : TTC: Runnymede Station Take 79A to Jane street via Pritchard Ave
Telephone: 416-800-5016
WebSite : gosokrinpoche.com/toronto
E-mail : kunphen.canada@gmail.com (Please note our new email, 2022-09 請注意新電郵)
Facebook: facebook.com/kunphen.ca (Chinese 中文)
facebook.com/KunphenTibetan (Tibetan 藏文)
facebook.com/KunphenEnglish (English 英文)
facebook.com/KunphenVietnamese (Vietnamese 越南文)